We make the choice to walk away

Let’s have nights out to remember, for the right reasons. Keep scrolling for tips on how to keep your mates safe next time you’re out.

Why 'Walk Away'?

Going out-out should be about having fun, but sometimes someone can say the wrong thing, spill a drink or knock into someone else. Things can get heated and that can lead to situations that are unsafe for us or our mates.

The last thing anyone wants on match day is that mate, who’s had one too many and starts yelling. And before you know it it’s all kicked off. With so much on the line, emotions run high but cool heads are needed in tense moments.

Walk Away is here to help us recognise when things might be starting to get out of hand, and help us to understand how best to deal with that.

Let’s make sure that time out with our mates is remembered for the right reasons.

Pick up line
didn’t land?

Ah nevermind. Be respectful if the answer's no. It's their decision. Remember not to take it personally, just say you understand and move on.


We've all been there - accidents happen! It can be really frustrating if it's ruined a new shirt but hey it might come out in the wash. Try to just let it go and enjoy the rest of your night.


Pubs and clubs are crowded. It's part of the vibe - we wouldn't go if they were empty. Knocking into someone is almost always an accident even if it'll leave a bruise. Best thing to do is move to another part of the venue and carry on with your night.

‘What’re you looking at?’

Nobody likes being stared at. But when we've had a bit to drink we can often glaze over and not pay attention. If someone's eyeballing you, just ignore it. It's probably not on purpose.

Things getting out of hand?

Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? If so, please call 999 now. In a non-emergency you can call 101.

Wanna know more?

We're working to make nights out safer for everyone. By raising awareness and sharing Walk Away we can encourage people to help look out for each other. If you're looking to get involved or are someone who'd like to share their story we want to hear from you.
